Mold In Your Home How Do You Know Your Home Has Mold If It's Growing Beneath The Surface?

How do you know your home has mold if it's growing beneath the surface? - mold in your home

If you can not see, how do you know that it's there? I sneeze a lot at home, my daughter has a cough and colds at home, but we are very good when we go. Mold could be the problem? Our house was renovated a few years ago, like all houses in our neighborhood, and a neighbor who has his residence due to mold. I wonder how we can if we have a problem of form, if not seen to know?


jean ann j said...

Have usually a musty smell.

You have a cold.

If someone verify whether for you, it would be good.

We felt our own.

The water was a wall and floor in the bathroom during a thunderstorm.

We live about 65 miles off the coast and coastal storms to come here.

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