Pokemon Silver Cheats For Vistual Boy How Many Cheats Are In Pokemon Silver?

How many cheats are in pokemon silver? - pokemon silver cheats for vistual boy

I do not have gameshark and I want a few tricks without knowing gameshark, can someone help plzzzzz


Kian said...

Duplicate Pokemon
First go to save on a PC. Then a group of pokemon age, want to copy. (You can up to five pokemon at once). Change your mailbox. IMPORTANT: Even if it saves your child to play. If you are the Game Boy back on, you find a Pokemon with you and others on the PC.

Kay. I know it seems impossible to clone the elemental stones, but it is! That's what they do:

1. Add a stone into a Pokemon. Make sure the stone does not change. For example, should not be used in a stone water Polywhirl. However, you can give the stone is a water Ponyta.

2. Put Pokemon in a box. I suggest that apart from a special box pokemon clone. (Yes, this clone your Pokemon, too.)

3. Cabinets. They say it's OK to save and say yes to overwrite. Then, when he said: "Saving ... Do not turn off the power." If you turn right after you just "power".

4. Gack Turn the Game Boy, you are in front of the PC.

5.Now is whereIt is different for the cloning of any other element. If you see your Pokemon, the Pokemon that you only the cloning case, no problem. However, see the article bag. You must continue to hold the stone elemental.

6. Turn on the computer. Search in the box, where he deposited the Pokémon before the Game Boy. The Pokemon is there. Remove, and ... Aha! That is the conclusion of the Basic stone! Take it, and now has twice as much!

Note: You do not know if you clone multiple blocks at once. (Example: the cloning of two Pokemon that) the two pieces but it works! At least it did for me. I played in a Game Boy Advance ... What would be different ... but oh well!

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