Testicular Pain Doctor Testicular, Groin, Abdominal Pain, Several Days Before Doctor Visit...? Worried!?

Testicular, groin, abdominal pain, several days before doctor visit...? Worried!? - testicular pain doctor

I went to a GP a few days after a break of pain complaints in areas of the testicles, groins and abdomen. After all the normal tests, concluded that it was likely the result of a hernia, but said it could be something else, and it refers to a physician or surgeon who in this area-specific. Although the doctor referred me to, I do not see more than a week and if I do not wait so long - not because of the pain, but because I'm crazy. The pain does not seem "serious" or "terrible" because all web sites, such as a medical emergency defined. But it is very annoying and prevents me ordinary things. So ... What options are available here? Hernia? Groin injury? Cancer? Should I get a different doctor for help before? All tips can help you. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

It also sounds Prostate prostititus (inflammation)

-could be an injury or bacterial infection

In order to do a lot of research on Google, your body and nobody cares as much as you. Learn as much as possible.

"Good luck

Anonymous said...

It also sounds Prostate prostititus (inflammation)

-could be an injury or bacterial infection

In order to do a lot of research on Google, your body and nobody cares as much as you. Learn as much as possible.

"Good luck

Anonymous said...

Could a lot of things could be minor, such as when they claimed, or simply bar moved can be severe. Be sure to keep this appointment. If you had to start at an early age. What are waiting for the doctor to see, I'd say it's OK to wait, but the body and if you think you have to show before then would see if you have another doctor who you can see you will find. Like I said, if say, only a week or so, I would probably be the first you will see. But does not hurt to call and ask.

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